74HC4075 is triple input OR gate integrated circuit. It does the same with the 4075 as CMOS, but it is produced in TTL so it can work in the voltage range of 2-6V. It can control up to 10 LSTTL integrated circuits.
Logic gates are frequently used in digital electronic circuits. There are basically 3 logic gates.
- OR
and other gates derived from them;
In this article we will only cover the OR gate. OR gate has 1 output and 2 or more inputs. Depending on the logic level (1 or 0) applied to the input, logic 1 (High Voltage) or logic 0 (Low Voltage) is taken from the output.
74HC4075 is a triple input OR gate. As will be seen in the truth table, when all 3 inputs are connected to logic 0, the output becomes logic 0. If any of the inputs are connected to logic 1, the output becomes logic 1.